Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Take Two

After a second long hiatus - this time for the arrival of little M - the blog beckons me yet again..
Am in India - Bangalore this time, and with mingled sweet memories of the wet mornings and grey afternoons of my dear ole London - I savour the absolutely splendid summer here. Little big K has turned 5 , and little M is yet to reach his 1st.

How does being content feel? It must be like what I feel now. Its not a forever lasting feeling - not for me at least. But now, in this moment - it feels perfect. Can't ask for more.

I remember when this wave of contentedness swept over me when I was at home with K - then just a year old. Days were a whirlwind of activities around K, his meals, baths, story times, playtimes, sleep times.
When there was some time left for myself I would sway between trying to be a domestic goddess or a couch potato. One day I would be in a mad rush to get everything done - laundry, ironing, dusting, folding, baking, cooking and what not. Other day I would just put my feet up and curl up on the sofa watching TV,reading a book,writing a blog or having  really long conversations with one of my girl friends (Girl friends for a girl are God-sent. Bless them and thank God for them - no one restores sanity as they do) .
As K grew up - the restlessness crept up - K became more independent and the days started feeling too long. Careers and 'i -need-to-have-my-own-thing' beckoned and the transition from a stay-at-home-mom to a working one was seamless.

Now, the second time around, with the next little addition - days have become equally hectic - and there are more of them which fly past with a never-ending stream of to-dos. Domestic Goddess as been abandoned and super-mom has taken over.There are of less of those 'put-your-feet-up-and-do-nothing' days. Even when I put my feet up these days there is an infant bouncing on them!
There are more days when normal conversations seem impossible, tempers of kids and grown-ups flare alike, and there are tantrums galore.  But there is twice as much joy, twice as much love and so much more tenderness in everything - its all hidden in those busy days and if you blink too often you might miss that magic moment.  Its more hard work, more sacrifices - all of us need to push ourselves a little bit further but its all worth it.

It all feels complete now - this is it, and this how its going to be.New horizons will soon beckon, but for now- take two is on and feels fab!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wonderful post!

I had to go through a few posts to be sure you are the Snehal I thought you are! :)

I am now mighty sure after reading this lovely post about K and M.

My compliments on this wonderfully curated blog. Many gems I'm sure I'll enjoy reading over time.

Very simply written, yet they immediately strike a cord, perhaps for the same reason.

By the way, C was missing from this post. Please pass on my regards.