A mind can think, and dwell, as the spoon swirls little circles in the tea cup - new ideas brew with the tea and worries dissolve with the sugar.
A lot can happen over a cup of tea.
Cold hands are warmed around the steaming hot cup, as hearts thaw with every sip.
A lot can happen over a cup of tea.
Storms in teacups. Fists banged on desks and spilled tea stains on tables. Minds fuming and steaming, as the tea sits untouched, tepid, lukewarm - insipid.
A lot can happen over a cup of tea.
Reams of gossips! Hush hush and giggle giggle - biscuits dipped and dipped again and a soggy residue at the bottom of the cup.
A lot can happen over a cup of tea.
Dripping rains. Glistening leaves. Sloshed up shoes and soaking wet clothes. Steaming hot tea, strong - nostrils seeking the steam and the heat. And a stolen glance over a cup of tea.
A lot can happen over a cup of tea.
Lets talk about you. No, lets talk about me. Another tea? With milk? No milk? I like mine with sugar - I like mine with lemon. Lets talk about 'we'.
A lot can happen over a cup of tea.
Tears brimming, teacups in hands - gently resting on the lap. Untouched.I can smell the tea - and your tears mixed with it.
A lot can happen over a cup of tea.
Tiered eyes, tiered limbs, tiered mind. Will you just sit, and let me make a cup of tea - for you and me?

A lot, really, A LOT can happen over a cup of tea.
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