The idea of being a writer, an author perhaps is very romantic. But it does not just happen. Many people who are successful writers have made it happen. Here is how.
The famous blogger turned bestseller of The Happiness Project has this to say about her writing practice.
How I wish these tips would work for me. A few would I guess ,
like #9 Have something to say!
That's very clever I think, what you want to say, you write. And there is always something you have to say. About a news article you read, about a film you watched, about the argument you had, about the new restaurant you tried, the new dish you cooked.
Or sometimes its just those really smart retorts you wished you should have given, but swallowed them up to avoid an argument blowing up into a fight!
Well, there you see, I already have skeletons of 5-10 posts ready. That's inspiring.
And, as I type this, another rule comes to my mind .. 'Think Loud! '
I have noticed this, say when I am reading a book - there is this parallel stream of thought running along in the mind, which is like a reviewer - a real time reviewer of the stuff you are reading - and you sometimes go 'Oh shut up you ( the other me that is) , let me ( the first me ) read!!' . These are the times when I wish I had a notebook handy, so that I can jot down these thoughts, and then flesh them out to make a writeable post. ( wait , didn't rule #5 say the same?)
May be I should try that.
PS: I have managed myself another post - yeeeee hay!
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