Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Food For Thought

There are times when you feel like writing after you read something well written by somebody.
Thats how this blog started..
And to keep my blogging instinct alive, I read blogs.
If they are really appealing, I'm inspired to write.
If they aren't, am inspired to write, better.
But its all individual perspective. What I call better, might be worse for some.
But then one who blogs should not bother about all this, after all there are always two sides of a coin.

OK. The above lines were what popped out of my mind (pun intended) in the few moments I took to decide that I did want to blog today.

I have come across some really good Food realted blogs, and find their efforts commendable.

And there is this strange thing, if am hungry, I feel like reading these blogs: they serve like an appetiser.With all interesting pictures, interesting receipes, and interesting anecdotes along with it.

I have always enjoyed food. [ those who know me, pls don't give those wide-spread grins.. :-) ]

Am not fussy about food, but neither am a hearty food-lover.
I like to try different stuff (preferably veg), and I like to experiment in the kitchen.
I am not fond of cooking, but I don't hate it..
I enjoy my daily cooking routine (...yes ppl-who-know-me , I do manage to cook and feed a couple of mouths daily, twice! )
And once in a while, I can flip through some cook book, or website, or even a TV show and try to make something new.
So that's what brings me back to the food blogs.
I appreciate the efforts these people put to jot down their cooking experiences, delve into the finer aspects of ingredients,bother to click step by step snaps of their preperations, experiment with the mundane to whip up something new and in general celebrate food and cooking.

I love to read what experts, critics, anyone passionate and knowledgible about food has to say about food and related things.
Be it a wine taster telling about what cheese goes well with what wine and why, or be it a sugarcane juice walla telling why adding an extra dash of lemon to the sugarcane juice makes it better than the rest.

I love the language that describes food.
Its amazing how a few words convey a whole new world of tastes and aromas..

A blob of butter is different from a dollop of butter,
drizzling your fruit dish with honey isn't same as dressing it lightly with honey,
and a kiss of sugar dosen't draw any parellels with a pinch of salt. :-)

All those mouth-watering perfect descriptions which almost let you taste and smell the dish... wow.. that's some really beautiful use of words! :-)

I have noticed that I don't really mind watching TV shows on cooking.
I love the neatly arranged, spic-n-span kitchen.
The cutlery, crockery being used, the fabulous display of ingredients;
its nice to see how everything from a mandoline to an indoor grill is at-hand for the hosts.
Its a happy sight to see the dish take its shape, size, color ,flavor and aroma.
Its beautiful to see the finally done and decorated dish, with garnishing et-al.

I think these things related to food click because people invloved relish it.
They enjoy the entire process and not just the end results.
They appreciate, acknowledge and understand the art involved in cooking.
That makes it a real special serving....what say?

1 comment:

vsat said...

Wonder what makes you cook up stuff like this? :P