Being a full time mom for the first time has proved a few points to myself.
1. I can be incredibly patient
2. I can be incredibly impatient
3. I still think too much about things!
Patience is a virtue that comes with childbirth - I seriously believe it.
And much to my surprise, it comes quite easily out of you, as opposed to the lil one - that doesn't come so easily out of you ;-) Thinking of which - impatience indeed is harboured to its max during the same time - verging dangerously on the brink of intolerance.
So basically this deadly combo of patience and impatience comes with your bundle of joy!
So what do you when ..
1. are done with baby duties and lil one is napping - you have one whole hour to yourself.
unload and load dishwasher, unload and load washer,tidy kitchen, take shower, cook your meal, switch on the TV to enjoy the meal .. WHEN .. lil one's had enough of sleep and its PLAYTIME - or if you can't play then its HOWL TIME!
time to practice your patience or impatience? :-) are done with baby duties, lil one napping AND you are done with your chores as well. You can watch TV , surf net , read book or nap. You surf and surf for what? ' to start weaning the baby..give fruit purees, baby rice etc etc..' And you are filled with ideas of nice first recipes to feed your baby and you can't wait to do it!
time to practice your patience or impatience? :-) are done with baby duties, (super mom you think :) ) - baby is wide awake, happy, with clean nappy, full tummy, pleasant mood - all that moms ask for! You read books together, you play with building blocks (messy living room again) , you play peek-a-boo (Mommy is tired), you go out for a stroll (mommy more tired - and living room still in mess! But who cares, baby is happy and so is mom!). Perfect 'mommy-baby' day! Dinner cooked.Lil one fed, bathed and tucked in bed. Perfect 'mommy-daddy' evening (anticipated). Daddy dear comes home, looks at the house and shoots - 'What did you do all day!!??'
Time to practice your patience or impatience? :-)
All you mommies out there - what do you do when these things happen ?