After some time of hibernation, am back to not-so-frequent blogging.
There has been some change in my routine, surroundings,behaviour (to some extent, and for a short time I guess) and am taking my own sweet (but limited) time to adjust to it.
I have relocated to a foreign land, to a new work place , for a new client, for sometime, and am trying get back to normal routine.
There are ppl with diffrent looks, diffrent accents, diffrent attitudes, diffrent work-culture around me, and am trying to blend with them.
They aren't good or bad (coz its too early for me to judge them), they'er just diffrent.
I am trying to change a few of my old habits, to be in sync with these ppl.
I am waking up early, I am eating good healthy food; on time, am travelling on my own to my work plc, I am trying to keep appointments, trying to be very particular about the way I dress, I speak, I carry myself. Am trying to spare time for myself too, and re-establishing my contacts with friends, as my co-ordinates have suddenly changed.
Some of these things I never did before, though they were essential. This change has helped me pick them up.
Change is good. Change keeps you on your toes-atleast for sometime.
After a period of getting used to something, change is unsettling at the beginning and welcome afterwards.
You look forward to get over the unsettling phase, as early as possible, as seamlessly as possible, so that you can settle with the change. In the process you give away some baggages, pick up some, and re-mould yourself.
Change keeps you going. Some people consciously, some sub-consciously look for change.It gives a new perspective, a new dimension, a new outlook. [ not MS Outlook, you IT geek!]
Am looking forward to settle with this new change, and in the process explore the world - both inside and outside me, a bit further.
PS: Happie Valentine's Day!
It never harms to have little occassions to be explicit about certain implicit emotions.. wot say? :-)